Unlocking Endless Urban Landscapes: The Role of Procedural Generation in City-Building Game Development

Unlocking Endless Urban Landscapes: The Role of Procedural Generation in City-Building Game Development

What is Procedural Generation?

Procedural generation is a powerful tool in the realm of video game development, particularly in city-building games. It involves using algorithms and artificial intelligence to create content on the fly, rather than relying on pre-designed levels or scenarios. This technique allows for an almost endless variety of game worlds, enhancing the gaming experience and keeping players engaged for longer periods.

How Procedural Generation Works in City-Building Games

In city-building games, procedural generation can be applied in several key areas:

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Terrain and Map Generation

Games like Surviving Mars and Surviving the Aftermath use procedural generation to create diverse and challenging environments. For example, in Surviving Mars, the game generates a new Martian terrain each time you start a new game, complete with varying resource distributions and geological features. This ensures that each playthrough is unique, requiring the player to adapt their strategies to the new environment.

Building Placement and Scoring

In Islanders, procedural generation is used to create new islands with each session. Players must strategically place buildings to maximize their score, and the game generates new islands with different terrains and challenges as the player progresses. The scoring system is also procedurally driven, with buildings earning or losing points based on their proximity to other structures and natural features.

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Enhancing Player Engagement

Procedural generation significantly enhances player engagement in several ways:

Infinite Replayability

One of the most compelling aspects of procedural generation is its ability to offer infinite replayability. Since the game generates new content each time it is played, players can experience a different game world every time they start a new session. This is particularly evident in games like Islanders, where the procedural generation of new islands ensures that no two sessions are ever the same.

Dynamic Challenges

Procedural generation can also introduce dynamic challenges that keep the game fresh and exciting. For instance, in Surviving the Aftermath, the procedurally generated wasteland includes random events like natural disasters and bandit attacks, which players must respond to in real time. This dynamic environment requires players to be adaptable and strategic, adding a layer of complexity to the game.

Real-World Applications and Inspirations

While procedural generation is primarily used in video games, it draws inspiration from real-world urban planning and design principles.

Urban Planning and Design

In real-world urban planning, designers often use algorithms and simulations to predict and optimize the growth of cities. Similarly, in games like Cities: Skylines 2, players can use procedural tools to create intricate road networks and urban developments. These tools mimic real-world urban planning challenges, such as managing traffic flow and zoning regulations.

Developer Insights and Challenges

Developers who use procedural generation in their games often face unique challenges but also reap significant benefits.

Simplifying Complexity

The developers of Islanders chose to embrace simplicity due to the limitations of their small team. By using procedural generation, they were able to create a game that was simple yet engaging, without the need for extensive pre-designed content. As one of the developers, Allmenröder, noted, “Every time we made a decision, we asked ourselves: Can we make it simpler? Can the game still be fun if we cut this feature?”.

Balancing Randomness and Structure

One of the key challenges in using procedural generation is balancing randomness with structure. Players need to feel like they are playing a coherent game, not just navigating a random environment. In Transport Fever 2, the game uses procedural generation to create transport routes, but these routes are still governed by logical rules and constraints, ensuring that the game remains immersive and realistic.

Practical Insights and Actionable Advice

For game developers considering the use of procedural generation, here are some practical insights and actionable advice:

Start Small

Begin with simple procedural systems and gradually build complexity. This approach helps in testing and refining the algorithms without overwhelming the development team.

Use Feedback Loops

Implement feedback loops to ensure that the procedurally generated content is aligned with the game’s overall design and player expectations. For example, in Islanders, the scoring system provides immediate feedback to the player on the placement of buildings, helping them adjust their strategy in real time.

Test Extensively

Testing is crucial when using procedural generation. Ensure that the game is tested across a wide range of scenarios to identify and fix any issues that may arise from the random generation of content.

Table: Comparing City-Building Games with Procedural Generation

Game Procedural Generation Features Replayability Dynamic Challenges
Islanders Procedurally generated islands, building placement scoring High Yes
Surviving Mars Procedurally generated Martian terrain, resource distribution High Yes
Surviving the Aftermath Procedurally generated wasteland, random events High Yes
Transport Fever 2 Procedurally generated transport routes Medium Limited
Cities: Skylines 2 Procedural tools for road networks and urban developments Medium Limited

Quotes from Developers

  • “Every time we made a decision, we asked ourselves: Can we make it simpler? Can the game still be fun if we cut this feature?” – Allmenröder, Developer of Islanders.
  • “The gameplay went through various iterations, including one with a day-night cycle, before the team settled on a simple proximity-based scoring system.” – Allmenröder, Developer of Islanders.

Procedural generation is a game-changer in the world of city-building games, offering endless variety, dynamic challenges, and enhanced player engagement. By understanding how this technology works and applying it thoughtfully, game developers can create immersive and engaging gaming experiences that keep players coming back for more.

Future of Procedural Generation in Gaming

As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more sophisticated uses of procedural generation in video games. Here are a few potential future developments:

Integration with Artificial Intelligence

The integration of procedural generation with artificial intelligence could lead to even more realistic and adaptive game worlds. For example, AI could be used to generate non-player characters (NPCs) that behave dynamically based on the procedurally generated environment.

Real-Time Generation

Future games might use real-time procedural generation to create content on the fly as the player interacts with the game world. This could lead to highly dynamic and responsive environments that react to the player’s actions.

Community-Driven Content

Games could also incorporate community-driven procedural generation, where players contribute to the generation of new content. This could involve sharing procedurally generated maps or scenarios, further enhancing the game’s replayability and community engagement.

In conclusion, procedural generation is not just a tool for game developers; it is a key component in creating immersive, engaging, and endlessly varied gaming experiences. As this technology evolves, we can expect to see even more innovative and captivating city-building games that push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of gaming.


Video games